Monday, November 1, 2010

Thesis State of Intent

SECTION ONE – The written Thesis / Dissertation. 

"Exploring the evolution of Maltese culture through an installation of digitally manipulated photographs"

The idea behind this title is to research various street photographers, surrealist photographers and others, study and analyse their work. I wish to do a case study on how a picture creates different perceptions, also will research digital artist – photo and image manipulators.  Then I will experiment and try to mix the techniques with my own style. My aim is to deliver messages within my photos and create reflections. (Especially to children which never knew of these traditions).
I also wish to study the way that Maltese people have adopted to live this fast / modern (robotic life), combing it with our traditions and beliefs. To see if some traditions are still felt among young generations. My project will consist of an installation that communicates the above reflections, and obviously the digital art photos that I will have been able to produce.


SECTION TWO – Influences…   

I am a person who loves our culture and our old traditions, I also love a lot our beautiful island because we are small but yet we have a great history behind us. On the other hand I always loved photography and I’m considering the latter along with graphic design to be part of my work in the future. Joining these two together I think it will be a beneficial not only for myself but also a fair contribution to secondary school children (maybe older). My research will include literature review on street photography and image manipulation and various software used, I will also conduct interviews with local photographers, graphic designers and digital artists.

SECTION THREE  Timetable:  

I envisage to follow the following schedule:

October – December - consult books magazines and online material, formulate a questionnaire to all interested parties in order to get feedback of the viability of the project, plan and conduct Interviews and collect relevant photographic materials for final project.
December – formulate thesis structure together with tutor
January – Start writing thesis and start planning project (sketches, photographic and digital experiments)
January – April – continuing writing thesis, corrections, amendments and discussion with tutor.
May – Finalizing thesis
June – Printing Thesis
December – April start the proper choosing of photographs editing manipulation and arranging everything for the installation.
May – Sketching and designing the layout of the installation.
June – Finalizing by putting everything together

Regarding Software applications I intend to used Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.