Geographical location discrimination is one of the most evident types of discrimination in the world, and people are facing it all the time. In some places it’s minimal while, in others it causes even racism, violence and injustice. Italy is one place of these countries, in which location discrimination is evident a lot, in people living from the North against people living from the South and vice versa.
Location Discrimination in Italy (North vs. South)
Are northern and southern Italians the same?
In the book; “In The History and Geography of Human Genes”, Cavalli-Sforza (1994) continues to say that, the maps shows a clear gradient from north to south. Din id differenza tikkorispondi specjalment mal pigmentation and general size tan nies. “Northern Italians are more similar to central Europeans, whereas southern Italians are closer to other Mediterranean people, being darker and smaller”. (Cavalli-Sforza, 1994) Foot note 1
While the "extreme western portion of Sicily" may be more similar to northern Italy (perhaps owing to the Normans), this doesn't change the fact that most of southern Italy is very distinct from northern Italy. = foot note 1 Culture
Cavalli-Sforza (1994) jkompli jajd ukol li em zewg affarijiet li skond huwa it taljani tan north u tas south andom in common. Wahda minnom hija li jitkellmu listess lingwa u it tini hija li they have been officially part of the same country for a little over a century. Footnote 2
Italy was not a unified nation until the 1870's. Cavour, Mazzini and Garibaldi set to make a nation out of Italy. The south did not comply and was essentially invaded. During this period and to this day, the south was seen as African, primitive, and in need of civilizing. = foot note 2
Lucio Zinna (?) argues that Southern Italy is poorer, more rural, and less literate than northern Italy. B hekk is south ta litalja hija dipendenti hafna fuq il productive North, u b kawza t hekk il gap li hem bejn dawn ir regguni qed ikompli dejjem jikber. Hafna nies tan north ma jridux ikkolom x jaqsmu man nies tas south min habba id disonesta u li huma ikkunsidrati inferiror citizens, and seperatist political parties such as Lega Nord have arisen.
". . . We prefer very greatly the northern Europeans, but could use handsomely to their profit and to the profit of our people, some from northern Italy . . . I am certain that we do not want and we should insist that we do not get, people from the southern parts of Italy . . . " (Immigration and the South, The Atlantic Monthly, November 1905)
Din id distinzjoni bejn in noth u is south ta litalja mijix wahda li grat issa ricenti, din id diskriminazzjoni ila sejra hafna. According to Wright's (1965) reading of Medieval geographers; li dawn id differenzi bejn in nies li jejxu fin north u fis south ta litalja kinu apprezzati hafna in the twelfth century.
Wright goes on to quote one of the Medieval authorities as follows:
“The Lombards are a keen, skillful, and active people; foresighted in counsel; expert in justice; strong in body and spirit, full of life and handsome to look upon, with slight, supple bodies that give them great power of endurance; economical and always moderate in eating and drinking; masters of their hands and mouths; honorable in every business transaction; mighty in the arts and always striving for the new; lovers of freedom and ready to face death for freedom's sake. These people have never been willing to submit to kings. . . . But what a contrast the people of Apulia in the south present to the Lombards. Dirty, lazy, weak, good-for-nothing idlers that they are.” (p. 320)
Few countries show as great a contrast between regions, in terms of genetics and economic productivity, as that found in Italy between the north and the south. Nowadays some Italians attempt to minimize these differences in order to live better together, but the differences remain.Sources
Di Giacomo et al. Clinal patterns of human Y chromosomal diversity in continental Italy and Greece are dominated by drift and founder effects. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. In Press.Murray, Charles. Human Accomoplishment. New York: HarperCollins, 2003.
Wright, J. K. The Geographical Lore of the Time of the Crusades: A Study in the History of Medieval Science and Tradition in Western Europe. New York: Dover Publications, 1965.
The same problems of geographical location discrimination can be found in India.
Ravi Prakash
I think if such stereotype doesn’t end it can impact our citizens, workforce, students etc from North-Eastern states which can adversely affect India’s growth in general”. (Prakash ?)
He continues on stating that Indians do care, and should care about their stereotypes. Hu jahseb li dawn l stereotypes jirriflettu l personalitajiet tahom, he advices to take these stereotypes in a positive way and let’s make some changes to make us a better society.
South India is better developed than North India says CNN IBN
In a an anti discrimination blog Nita (2006) builds an argument on saying that, CNN IBN news channel arjaw program fuq ir ragunijiet ala is south India huwa ahjar min north ta l indja. By South they meant the four southern states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala.
She stated that, alekem il program kin kredibli hafna u kin jinvolvi hafna statistici bix japprova l argument tijaw. There was a certain bias that was evident…against South India. Bhall li kiku ridu jitfaw naqa dell ikrah fuq in naha tas south ta l indja. She disapproved that Hindi should be the national language to ‘unite’ the country rather than English. She continued arguing that CNN wasn’t fair meta qallu li is south kinu ikatr konservativi fejn jithlu nisa meta ikkumparati man north. Alija dan ir ragunament kien stramb u stupidu ukol ax qalet li in nies jafu u huwa accetaw dan listereotype li in north india huma iktar konservativi fejn jithlu nisa minhabba l kulturi u ragunijiet ta history tahhom. Iddispjecuta bdak li rat Nita iddecidit li tibat ittra lic CNN IBN fejn qaltliom li mhux fair jindahlu fuq il kultura tahhom u li mhux sew li jajdu li is south qed ikun konservativi.
“You cannot say that the south is being culturally (and linguistically) conservative. The reason is simple: The south has never tried to impose its culture and language on the north. Its the north who is doing it. In any case, why should one culture do this to any other culture? The Americans did it to the Red Indians…made everybody clones. Please understand that no race should dominate the other. I am afraid domination like this never works. North Indians are not our rulers. They are one of us. You are one of us. We are one country. We have to respect each other’s religions, languages and culture.” (Nita, 2006)
Artist’s and graphic designer’s work regarding discrimination
Breaking the stereotype competition
The “Breaking Stereotypes” poster competition git mahluqa bix tati ic cans lil zazah jesprimu lidejat through the medium of art tahom fuq dan it topic important. The poster competition was part of a campaign in which around 800 posters were submitted by art and design students. Dan kin rizultat tajjeb hafna ax ix xol li ircivejna kin ta highest standard and reflected in a creative way the message of the campaign. “Many of the posters serve to remind us that, when dealing with challenging, emotive subject matter, art often speaks louder than words.” ( Vladimir Spidla nd )
Aleksandra Woldanska a 21 year old graphic design student from Poland won the competition. She states that in her poster she wanted to show awareness li billi taccetta lil ohrajn kif inuma biss nistaw noholqu kummonikazjjoni bejn in nies. She belives li il glieda kontra id diskriminazjoni still ada topic jahraq, ax jek inharsu harsa sew madwarna nindunaw li f’hafna pajjizi din il kumunikazzjoni ma tezistix.
According to the jury statement Woldanska’s design was very strong, to the point but yet very simple. The image says more than thousand words; it is a visual metaphor, li tibqa embedded fis subkonxju ta mohna daqs kem hija effetiva u semplici.
“We “feel” the poster more than we “see it”. (Cathrine Zask, Istvan Orosz, Rasmus Koch, nd )

BRUCE GILDEN – photographer
Bruce Gilden is one of the famous Magnum photographers, huwa klassifikat bhala street photographer ax jahdem hafna fit toroq. Alkem l istill tijaw aggressive u active hafna, u jhob jittakilja social issues u josserva fid dettal il karatru tan nies u ta city li jkun fija.
Wara li mar Florida Bruce Gilden, ( 2009 ) realized li kien hemm xeba homeless, job loss, economics difficulties etc, etc. Go Detriot hemm problema serja hafna li hem hafna nies li tilfu xolom u bla djar, hu din ila sejra al hafna snin. Gilden continues that li il problema hija serja hafna. Liktar li inkwitatu li city bhal Detroit tista tispicca hekk. Certain areas look like Berlin after World War II or like Beirut.
Gilden, (2009) jkompli jajd li hem xi haga hazina going on. Hemm problema kbira ukol bil moratges ax in nies mumix kapaci ihallsu il kera tal post tahom alura jispiccaw bla dar. Meta mort Detriot jin rajt city government li ma jatix kas in nies tijaw. B’hekk issa hemm hafna djar li kwazi waqaw adom emmek u qedin ta periklu kbir as sahha tac cittadini. It tfal jistaw iwwegaw sew meta jkunu qed jilabu god djar, plus li huwa post idejali bix jikbru il vizjijiet u l prostizjoni. Il propjeta tinze;l hafna l valur tahha u had ma adu jrid jmur jejx fdawn linhawwi.
Al Gilden liktar haga li kient tad dwejjaq alih hija li f Detroit hafna min dawk id djar li huma jinsabu mkissrin kawza ta irresponsabilita ta loawtoritjait, kinu xi darba djar high class kola mahdumin bil aqal u b sena kbira. Ftit snin ilu kien unur li wihed jejx go Detroit illum il gurnata jinsab mandra.
“There was an elegance here - the houses were beautiful - it’s so sad. There were serious memories in these houses, people lived there for 50 - 70 years. When these houses were built there was pride in craftsmanship and you saw it in the houses. It’s sad”. (Gilden, 2009)



Marcus Perkins, (2010) went on a journey and spent some days with these people to show us, in which desperate state of discrimination they are living. These people are the Dalits, dawn jiffurmaw il qalba of India’s caste system. “Dalit means 'broken' or 'crushed'. It is the name chosen by these 'untouchables' of old, and it represents their sense of a history reverberating with oppression, exploitation and injustice.” (Marcus Perkins, 2010)
He continues to say that, Dalits are the worst victims of what is arguably the most tenacious hierarchy on earth. The caste system has ancient roots, and became a means of social stratification, in which 'low castes were expected to perform dirty, degrading and dangerous tasks for the rest of society. Caste has been described not as a means for the division of labour, but for the division of labourers.
In his attempt for awareness he exhibtited his photographs at London, he managed to have some good feedback from some of his audiences.
Reverend Andrew Hammond, (2010) states that, no description of his could do justice to the power of those photos. Dawn ir ritrati huma differenti hafna min dawk ir ritratti li tara al postcards fejn issib xi naqa tfal fqar helwin jigru jew jistennew likel. Dawn huma ritratti mehudin min photographer li qatta granet shah ma dawn in nies josserva and ready to capture the right moments, to take one or two shots. Making a cup of chai, dredging open sewers, picking through rubbish; or, sitting in a simple bare room, a man and wife hugging each other and laughing.
Jenny Taylor, (2010) baqat issorprenduta u stqarret li me felhitx titkellem a kawza ta rittrati, she was quite surprised. Alkem hija familjari ma dawn l affarijiet u ila tibat hafna ittri lil awtoritajit dwar din il location discrimination fuq dawn in nes, xejn ma adu gara u qisu qatt mhu h jigri. Qalet ukol li emm hafna tenderness, humanity and dignitiy to these photos. Fl istess hin em sens ta biza, li imam tista tarahom f opportunita to read the captions and then you realise what you're dealing with. She concludes by saying that she thinks that the photographs has been beautifully done u li jipriserva id dignjita tan nies, imam ma iccahadlekx the awfulness li dawn in nies qedin jaffacaw wiccom maffom.
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